
Travel Companionship

Travel companionship

You may have dabbled in dinner dates and be well acquainted with the sneaky lunchtime 90 min booking but what’s the deal with travel bookings? Let me break it down and de-mystify one of the more luxurious options available in escort dating.


“Fly-me-to you”, often abbreviated to FMTY, is a great option for distant admiriers. If you’ve ever found yourself wishing that your favourite tall, curvy, british beauty lived a little closer to you and you have no current plans to visit London (incredibly fair, it’s 3 ℃ and raining as I write this) then this is an option for you. You can book me for a minimum of 12 hours and have me flown straight to your door. You get to show me around your neighbourhood, we can visit your favourite bars and restaurants and maybe you’ll start to see your home in a whole new light. I’ve had the pleasure of visiting some incredibly exotic locations via FMTY booking but I’ve also enjoyed trips much closer to home via train (rail-me-to-you? rail-and-rail? .. we can workshop it)
I know some companions ask to be paid for time spent traveling which is understandable, airports can be soul sucking, but at the moment I feel that the opportunity to travel outweighs the bad and I only ask for my travel expenses and booking fee.

Travel bookings

There are so many important elements that need to align to make a great holiday or vacation. Location, weather, food, accommodation and most importantly good company. If your bookmarks are full of dreamy airbnbs or you’re constantly browsing tripadvisor, but the only thing stopping you booking tickets is finding a travel buddy, book an escort! Don’t keep putting off these experiences because you can never get your friends’ schedules to align or you’ve not found a date yet. You could be creating wonderful, romantic memories with an adventurous, worldly blonde babe!
Discretion is a key tenant of professional companionship and essential for many busy patrons. Sometimes life gets complicated and dating escorts locally just isn’t an option. The beauty of travel bookings is that we have an opportunity to build a connection in a completely new environment away from the pressures of our home life and be our authentic selves. Perhaps booking a companion is something to consider for your next work trip. I can send you photos of myself making use of the hotel bathtub and you can come join me after your meetings. 

You might be travelling the world and living a life of luxury but it’s not the same without someone to share it with. The right connection with the right companion has the potential to transform even the driest of business trips into the holiday of a lifetime

Phoebe x.


Pride Month

Pride Month

June is pride month, a wonderful excuse to open ourselves up to new experiences and express our authentic selves wholly.
As a bisexual, I’ve had relationships with people of all genders and as an escort, I’ve been lucky enough to have all kinds of queer encounters.

Female clients
My experience with women has been a real asset in my professional companionship. I remember what it was like to be inexperienced and to feel completely out of my depth when meeting women. Feeling like I didn’t have the right terminology, and didn’t know how to place myself in an erotic dynamic with another woman. Seeing an escort is a great way to get over those fears in a safe and controlled arena. I can help you work out what it is you are seeking and what you want to feel. I’m versatile so just as enthusiastic topping (giving) as I am bottoming (receiving).
Experienced lesbians also make wonderful clients! I welcome all kinds of women; cis, trans, bisexual, lesbian, or questioning.

I love seeing couples. If you’ve been swiping away on “the apps” looking for a third, then hiring an escort is a much better solution! I think people tend to assume that threesomes are a male fantasy but that’s often not the case. It’s often the woman of the couple that finds my website and reaches out. In couple bookings, I always make a point to grasp everyone’s desires and boundaries so that all parties feel respected and indulged.
I’m very happy to be an anniversary or birthday present. Escort experiences are an unconventional but unforgettable gift.

A “duo” or a “double” is when you hire two escorts at once. As you will see from my friends page, I am acquainted with some beautiful women with whom I share genuine connections. You could, in theory, hire any combination of escorts you come across but I always find duos work best when the two companions have an existing connection and chemistry.
Sandwiched between two hot women is a great place to be, but imagine if it was 3, 4, or more! Why not, It’s pride month baby!


Dinner Dates

Dinner Dates

Food or sex? Why not both! As someone who has built their lifestyle around indulgence and pleasure, both are incredibly important to me. I’ve always been a keen and enthusiastic cook. I could watch endless episodes of Parts Unknown, and my Instagram feed is all restaurants and recipe tutorials. When I travel, the first thing I do is find out the local delicacy and where to find it. Before I became an escort I had not had the time or opportunity to eat at a lot of restaurants. My first dinner dates had all the classic Pretty Woman clichés of not knowing which cutlery to use or how to pronounce the French menu items. I remember tasting my first glass of expensive wine in a swanky central London restaurant and being completely blown away by it but simultaneously heartbroken that I might never experience such a luxury again. Fortunately for me, dinner dates have become a staple of my work, and I not only get to enjoy all kinds of delicious food and wine but I also have had the chance to attend a few wine tastings. No more supermarket wine!

Dinner dates are a fantastic way to begin a relationship with an escort. There’s a reason it’s the traditional setting for first dates. Conversation in the romantic candlelit ambience of a restaurant is a wonderful way to learn about each others personality, likes and dislikes and share some laughs. The unbeaten recipe for building connection breaking the ice.
Dinner dates are also wonderful for special occasions or changing up the routine. Maybe work or life commitments mean you only have time for a brief lunchbreak tryst most of the time. Dinner dates are a great way to mark an anniversary or birthday and get to know each other on a deeper level, reconnect and slow down.

I have a set time for my dinner date experience of four hours because I’ve found it leaves enough time to enjoy the meal, take a leisurely walk back to the hotel or appartment and enjoy some time behind closed doors.

I pride myself on my restaurant knowledge and ability to tailor dinner date experiences to my clients tastes. It’s not all about fine dining either. If quirky local eateries and traditional market food are more your thing I have lots of recommendations for paired back dining experiences too. Please do not hesitate to ask for recommendations for our date, it gives me such a trill to get it right! Especially if you’re visiting from out of town. Equally if you have somewhere particular you would like to introduce me to I would love to be taken there.
To book a Dinner Date Experience with me fill in my contact form here.
I can’t wait to meet you!

Phoebe xx


Virgins, First-Timers and First Dates



Virgins, First-Timers and First Dates

The first time meeting an escort can be nerve wracking. From butterflies to full blown anxiety, I am no stranger to nervous newbies. I must admit, I love being the person to introduce a newcomer to the world of professional companionship! I enjoy the satisfaction of soothing the nerves of a previously trembling individual and transforming him into a relaxed and confident lover. I have been told I am able to quickly put clients at ease due to my gentle nature, good humour and clear communication. Another reason I love meeting newbies is because I get to set the expectations and boundaries from scratch. I get to guide and inform them on how to be a respectful, enthusiastic client and in turn they receive the richest most fulfilling experiences. It’s a responsibility I take very seriously, Here are my tips and tricks for a successful first date.

Make sure your initial contact is clear, informative and respectful. Make sure you’ve included all of the information requested in the very first email. In your subsequent replies make sure you stay in the same email thread. Be prepared to pay the deposit and send screening details in a timely manner. Even if I haven’t specifically asked for it, offering additional screening information can vastly improve my feeling of safety. Consider sending ID, your LinkedIn page or some proof of address. This admin might not seem very sexy but trust me it will make all the difference to your booking. If my energy has already been depleted in comms I’m going to anticipate more energy draining behaviour in person, I’ll have my guard up, I’ll be tired. Brain space that could have been fully devoted to your pleasure will be taken up by monitoring my boundaries. If I feel safe and intrigued about who this open and engaging individual is, I’ll be excited to meet you and I’ll be able to free up more brain space to dote on you. Your openness and generosity will be returned to you threefold.

If you’ve never booked an escort before you might have some questions about screening and how it relates to your privacy. Everything I do as Phoebe is working towards two main goals: creating the best experience possible for my clientele and keeping myself safe. In order to feel comfortable being alone and intimate with a stranger I ask for a little bit of personal information. Most of my screening is via the bank transfer of the deposit. I see your initials and your last name and I can see if that matches with the name you have provided me with. For incalls I ask simply for your mobile number and for outcalls I need to see either your hotel booking confirmation email or proof of address if we’re meeting at your home. Again the names should match. This information stays in my emails, on my computer, phone or banking apps. Everything is password protected. I’ve been building this business for several years now and I put a lot of time and money into it. I have no intention of running off with anyone’s deposit or sharing their details because this is my profession and a modest £100 is simply not worth the stress, money or risk to my reputation. Actually providing escorting services is way more lucrative and fun! Hopefully my Adultwork profile, multiple paid adverts, my website, an active twitter account, Onlyfans and this blog(!) are reassurance enough that I’m a legitimate escort. If you’re not prepared to pay a deposit or provide screening information perhaps professional companionship is not for you.

If we’re meeting in public slipping my fee into a book or including it in a gift bag is a great way to ensure I receive payment at the start of the booking without drawing any unnecessary attention. I’m a tactile person but PDA isn’t for everyone. If we’re out and about together and you’d rather I didn’t reach for your hand let me know. I will say however that most people are too consumed with their own internal lives to notice what anyone else is doing. That’s something I love about London, a reassuring sense of anonymity. The hotel receptionist, wait staff, other restaurant goers, none of them would guess you were with an escort, and if they did none of them would care. Dinner dates are one of my favourite style of booking to make an introduction. It has all the familiarity and flow of a traditional first date.

If you’re coming to meet me for a hotel incall, I will give you clear instruction on how to reach my room. I answer the door scantily clad and greet you warmly. You hand me the envelope containing my fee and I will show you to the shower. The shower time is an important part of the booking. You’ve caught a glimpse of my curvaceous figure and dazzling smile and now you get a chance alone to steady yourself! As you’re gathering yourself, the warm water is relaxing your muscles and calming your nervous system. Make sure you’re giving yourself a good scrub too!

When you’re out of the shower we will have some time to chat. I recommend at least two hours for an initial booking so we can communicate fully and relax into each other’s company. We can spend some time getting to know each other, laughing and joking. I will ask you what your expectations and desires are for the session. I might lean in for a kiss or if I can sense you’re still too tense I might offer you an massage. I’m a highly skilled masseuse, my touch will melt away your troubles and initiate intimacy smoothly. Before you know it we’ll be entangled in an effortless and passionate embrace.

Ultimately this experience is about you. You are paying for a satisfying sexual experience and I am here to provide it for you. We’re here to learn about what works for you and explore your sexuality. However, often our pleasure is deeply tied to that of the other person. Most people get turned on by knowing they’re doing a good job. They want to know that I’m enjoying myself too.
There’s no need here to be anxious about a lack of sexual experience. The idea that someone is bad or good in bed is rubbish in my opinion. Good sex isn’t about how big you are, how much energy you have, how long you can last. Good sex is about listening to the other persons verbal and non verbal cues and being prepared to change it up. Sex and pleasure is so subjective, just because one woman loves things done a certain way and you knocked her socks off doesn’t mean you’ve cracked the code of all female pleasure! What I’m saying is virgins/ less experienced men, you have nothing to fear, you’ve not fallen behind and you have just as much of a chance of pleasing a woman as anyone else. Now lets see what you’ve been missing!

Whether you’re new to sex, new to escorts or simply new to Phoebe Huxley, welcome! Know that you are in safe, compassionate and talented hands and make the leap to arranging your first booking.

You can email me with any further queries or sign up to my newsletter via my website.

I can’t wait to meet you!

Phoebe x